Before medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or before certain therapy methods are widely accepted as effective, they are tested on people who volunteer to participate in a clinical trial.

Organizations across the country are looking for people like you to take part in their research studies. The list of studies below have been selected from based on their inclusion of one or more of the following terms: anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is supportive of research that is conducted through clinical trials. Participating in research can potentially help change the mental health outcomes for you and others who suffer anxiety, depression, and related disorders. You may learn about new interventions/treatments that are being considered. This website page is brought to you in partnership with ResearchMatch.

864 matching studies

Sponsor Condition of Interest
Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Refractory Depression Treatment Resistant Depression
The goal of this clinical trial is to test how well psilocybin-assisted therapy works in treating people with depression. The main questions this study aims to answer are: - Does psilocybin with assisted therapy help improve symptoms for people with depression? - How long do the effects... expand

The goal of this clinical trial is to test how well psilocybin-assisted therapy works in treating people with depression. The main questions this study aims to answer are: - Does psilocybin with assisted therapy help improve symptoms for people with depression? - How long do the effects of this treatment last? Participants will: - Take part in a couple of screening and preparation visits. - Be given psilocybin in one or two treatment sessions. - Attend a series of follow-up sessions over the following year. - Complete forms and surveys to test how their symptoms have changed and what they thought of their experience. Researchers will also compare whether one treatment or two treatments help improve symptoms more for participants.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Apr 2024

open study

Intervention for Managing Physical Reactions to Overwhelming Emotions
Ohio State University Anxiety Substance Use Disorders
The clinical trial aims to conduct a feasibility, acceptability, and usability clinical trial of a modular CBT-based and technologically enhanced intervention for people with an SUD and recently enrolled in IOP, probe target engagement and change in clinical outcomes, and examine attrition rates in... expand

The clinical trial aims to conduct a feasibility, acceptability, and usability clinical trial of a modular CBT-based and technologically enhanced intervention for people with an SUD and recently enrolled in IOP, probe target engagement and change in clinical outcomes, and examine attrition rates in IOP. This study will enroll 40 adults who are currently enrolled in IOP, have a substance use disorder, and experience elevated anxiety. 20 individuals will be randomized to the experimental intervention, "Intervention for Managing Physical Reactions to Overwhelming Emotions" (IMPROVE), and 20 individuals will be randomized to the active control group, "Physical Health Education Treatment" (PHET). Participants will be asked to complete a baseline assessment of mood, substance use, and psychophysiology. Participants will then completed ecological momentary assessments (EMA) via smartphone technology 4 times a day for ~ 28 days (the day following the baseline assessment until the 3rd intervention session). Participants will complete one 45 minute - 1 hour intervention each week for 3 weeks (either the IMPROVE or PHET intervention, pending randomization). Following the last intervention session, participants will return to the lab to complete a post-intervention assessment that mirrors the baseline assessment and then complete follow-up surveys 1- and 3-months post intervention.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Mar 2024

open study

The Mom and Infant Outcomes (MOMI) Study
Ohio State University Postpartum Depression Postpartum Anxiety Cardiometabolic Syndrome
The investigator's long-term goal is to mitigate pregnancy-related mortality (PRM) risk by systematically delivering integrated clinical and supportive care that is effective, equitable, and scalable. The investigator's central hypothesis is that the Multi-modal Maternal Infant Perinatal Outpatient... expand

The investigator's long-term goal is to mitigate pregnancy-related mortality (PRM) risk by systematically delivering integrated clinical and supportive care that is effective, equitable, and scalable. The investigator's central hypothesis is that the Multi-modal Maternal Infant Perinatal Outpatient Delivery System (MOMI PODS) will mitigate postpartum (PP) risk and reduce disparities in PP risk by improving biopsychosocial profiles and facilitating access to evidence-based clinical and supportive care. To test this hypothesis, the investigators will conduct a hybrid type 1 randomized controlled trial (RCT) of MOMI PODS versus enhanced usual care (EUC, which we will term MOMI CARE) among a total sample of 384 mother-infant dyads (192/group) following pregnancy affected by a cardiometabolic and/or mental health condition. The investigators will enroll participants on PP day 1 and collect data at baseline and 6 months and 1 year PP. The investigators will collect implementation and service data across sites.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jun 2024

open study

Change in Social Media Use and Well-being Among College Students Receiving a One-week Exercise or Mindfulness...
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Social Media Addiction Depression, Anxiety Well-Being, Psychological
The investigators will be randomizing 150 college student participants with high levels of social media use into either a 1) control condition (no intervention), a 2) mindfulness meditation cognitive intervention, or 3) a social media reduction + exercise replacement intervention. Participants complete... expand

The investigators will be randomizing 150 college student participants with high levels of social media use into either a 1) control condition (no intervention), a 2) mindfulness meditation cognitive intervention, or 3) a social media reduction + exercise replacement intervention. Participants complete intervention activities daily for one week. The investigators will collect self-report and behavioral measures of social media use and related psychological constructs at three time points: baseline, immediately after the intervention period, and one-week after the intervention period.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Feb 2024

open study

Reward Processing and Depressive Subtypes: Identifying Neural Biotypes
San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center Depression Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Episode Depressive Symptoms
Deficits in motivation and pleasure are common in depression, and thought to be caused by alterations in the ways in which the brain anticipates, evaluates, and adaptively uses reward-related information. However, reward processing is a complex, multi-circuit phenomenon, and the precise neural mechanisms... expand

Deficits in motivation and pleasure are common in depression, and thought to be caused by alterations in the ways in which the brain anticipates, evaluates, and adaptively uses reward-related information. However, reward processing is a complex, multi-circuit phenomenon, and the precise neural mechanisms that contribute to the absence or reduction of pleasure and motivation are not well understood. Variation in the clinical presentation of depression has long been a rule rather than an exception, including individual variation in symptoms, severity, and treatment response. This heterogeneity complicates understanding of depression and thwarts progress toward disease classification and treatment planning. Discovery of depression-specific biomarkers that account for neurobiological variation that presumably underlies distinct clinical manifestations is critical to this larger effort.

Type: Observational

Start Date: Jun 2021

open study

Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of REL-1017 as Adjunctive Treatment for MDD
Relmada Therapeutics, Inc. Major Depressive Disorder Depression
A Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial of REL-1017 in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). expand

A Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial of REL-1017 in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Aug 2023

open study

Evaluating Treatments for Suicidal Veterans With PTSD
VA Office of Research and Development Self-directed Violence Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a significant driver of suicide risk among Veterans, but there is a critical knowledge gap about how to treat PTSD among people at elevated risk for suicide. Although evidence-based treatments for PTSD reduce suicide risk, Veterans at high risk for suicidal... expand

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a significant driver of suicide risk among Veterans, but there is a critical knowledge gap about how to treat PTSD among people at elevated risk for suicide. Although evidence-based treatments for PTSD reduce suicide risk, Veterans at high risk for suicidal behavior rarely receive these potentially life-saving treatments. Prior research suggests that a treatment that combines Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol (DBT PE) for PTSD improves both PTSD and suicide-related outcomes. This study will evaluate whether DBT + DBT PE improves these outcomes more than Prolonged Exposure plus suicide risk management, the gold standard VA care for this population. The proposed study will also examine factors that make it easier and harder to implement these treatments in VA settings. The results will help to inform treatment guidelines for this high-priority Veteran population.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jul 2024

open study

Study of ALTO-300 in MDD
Alto Neuroscience Major Depressive Disorder
The purpose of this study is to determine efficacy differences between ALTO-300 and placebo, used adjunctively to an antidepressant, related to patient characteristics. expand

The purpose of this study is to determine efficacy differences between ALTO-300 and placebo, used adjunctively to an antidepressant, related to patient characteristics.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jun 2023

open study

Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers
University of Wisconsin, Madison Anxiety Depression
The Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers Study aims to understand if an online course designed to help kids and their caregivers learn self-compassion is feasible, enjoyable, and helpful for well-being and relationships in families from diverse backgrounds. Children ages 8-11 who have a caregiver... expand

The Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers Study aims to understand if an online course designed to help kids and their caregivers learn self-compassion is feasible, enjoyable, and helpful for well-being and relationships in families from diverse backgrounds. Children ages 8-11 who have a caregiver willing to participate with them will: - Attend 2 in-person study visits (about 1-1.5 hour each) that includes - A survey for caregiver and child - A brief computer puzzle challengetask while heart rate and sweat is recorded (child) - A brief discussion about how the challenge went - Participate in a 6-session, online self-compassion course with other families (see back) - Provide feedback about how the course went

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Oct 2023

open study

Engagement in CHildhood-Onset Systemic Lupus
Montefiore Medical Center Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic Depression
The goal of this observational and pilot study is to better understand how depression symptoms may contribute to how well adolescent and young adults with lupus follow-up with their lupus clinical care. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Whether anhedonia (a core symptom of depression)... expand

The goal of this observational and pilot study is to better understand how depression symptoms may contribute to how well adolescent and young adults with lupus follow-up with their lupus clinical care. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Whether anhedonia (a core symptom of depression) predicts disengagement in care 2. Whether a patient-tailored mobile health application built to improve both engagement in care and depression symptoms will be feasible and acceptable to adolescents and young adults with lupus. Participants with systemic lupus, ages 15-24 from the Bronx, New York will be asked to complete questionnaires; some will be asked to participate in focus groups to help adapt the mobile health app; participants will also be invited to join a pilot study to try the mobile health app for 6 months and answer questionnaires to document the experience.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Aug 2024

open study

Mechanisms of Depression and Anhedonia in Adolescents: Linking Sleep to Reward- and Stress-Related Brain...
University of Oregon Depression in Adolescence
This research will use biobehavioral approaches to generate understanding about the linkages between sleep duration and timing, stressful life events, and depressive symptoms in adolescents, with a long-term aim of developing effective preventative interventions. expand

This research will use biobehavioral approaches to generate understanding about the linkages between sleep duration and timing, stressful life events, and depressive symptoms in adolescents, with a long-term aim of developing effective preventative interventions.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Mar 2023

open study

Use Muscadine Wine Nutraceuticals to Improve Brain Health, Cognition, and Mental Health
University of Florida Cognitive Performance Memory Mood Anxiety
Previous studies have shown that polyphenol-rich foods can positively affect cognitive functions, memory, and mood in humans. We hypothesize that both acute and chronic intake of muscadine wine polyphenols will improve cognitive performance and mood through regulating the HPA axis, alleviating inflammation... expand

Previous studies have shown that polyphenol-rich foods can positively affect cognitive functions, memory, and mood in humans. We hypothesize that both acute and chronic intake of muscadine wine polyphenols will improve cognitive performance and mood through regulating the HPA axis, alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress, and/or inhibiting monoamine oxidase activities

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Aug 2023

open study

To Improve Depressive Symptoms Using a Web-App
University of Texas at Austin Depression
This study is being done to answer a question on whether a Web App-based Lifestyle Physical Activity Promotion Program is effective in improving depressive symptom experience of midlife Korean American women (WPAPP-K). expand

This study is being done to answer a question on whether a Web App-based Lifestyle Physical Activity Promotion Program is effective in improving depressive symptom experience of midlife Korean American women (WPAPP-K).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Dec 2022

open study

Thriving Together: Supporting Resilience in the Healthcare Workforce
Johns Hopkins University Emotional Distress Burn Out Anxiety
Health care workers (HCW) face distressing work related situations that pose a threat to the HCW's resilience and well-being. Hospital-based peer support programs can improve HCW well-being, but there are few programs and little data for settings outside of hospitals. The program would adapt, implement,... expand

Health care workers (HCW) face distressing work related situations that pose a threat to the HCW's resilience and well-being. Hospital-based peer support programs can improve HCW well-being, but there are few programs and little data for settings outside of hospitals. The program would adapt, implement, and evaluate an evidence-informed peer support program (RISE) in ambulatory practices, rural hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), and community based organizations (CBOs). The hypothesis is that the availability of peer support will improve the culture of well-being, and the resilience and well-being of HCW in participating organizations. The research has the potential to improve the quality of life of HCW and the quality of care available to diverse organizations and the populations the HCW serve.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Aug 2022

open study

Using Electrophysiology to Index Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Effects on Reward System Functioning...
San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center Major Depressive Disorder
Depression is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, conferring substantial healthcare and societal costs. By studying methods to non-invasively target neural circuitry involved in reward responsivity, information generated by this project will improve understanding of the circuit alterations... expand

Depression is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, conferring substantial healthcare and societal costs. By studying methods to non-invasively target neural circuitry involved in reward responsivity, information generated by this project will improve understanding of the circuit alterations that underlie motivation and pleasure deficits in depression, and could also lead to the development of biologically-based markers of neurostimulation-based treatment response.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Oct 2021

open study

Gabapentin for Restoring GABA/Glutamate Homeostasis in Co-occurring Bipolar and Cannabis Use Disorders
Medical University of South Carolina Bipolar Disorder Cannabis Use Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type Bipolar I Disorder Bipolar II Disorder
This research study evaluates the effects of an FDA-approved medication Gabapentin in individuals with Bipolar Disorder who smoke marijuana. Participants in the study will will be assigned to take either Gabapentin or a matched placebo. Study medication will be taken for 17 days. There will be 5 study... expand

This research study evaluates the effects of an FDA-approved medication Gabapentin in individuals with Bipolar Disorder who smoke marijuana. Participants in the study will will be assigned to take either Gabapentin or a matched placebo. Study medication will be taken for 17 days. There will be 5 study visits, with 2 MRI brain imaging scans completed. Questionnaires and clinical interview measures will be completed at study visits along with consistent assessment of potential side effects from study medication.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Feb 2022

open study

Behavioral Activation Teletherapy to Increase Physical Activity
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Depression Depressive Disorder Depressive Symptoms Depressive Episode
This is a pilot study of acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of a brief, 10-session Behavioral Activation intervention delivered via teletherapy to increase physical activity and treat depressive symptoms. expand

This is a pilot study of acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of a brief, 10-session Behavioral Activation intervention delivered via teletherapy to increase physical activity and treat depressive symptoms.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Aug 2021

open study

The Development of an Integrated Physical Activity and Mental Health Intervention for Veterans With COPD,...
VA Office of Research and Development COPD Depression Anxiety
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is prevalent and debilitating chronic disease in Veterans. COPD is highly co-morbid with depression and anxiety conferring greater morbidity and mortality risk. Physical activity is a modifiable behavior that can improve COPD outcomes. However, to date,... expand

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is prevalent and debilitating chronic disease in Veterans. COPD is highly co-morbid with depression and anxiety conferring greater morbidity and mortality risk. Physical activity is a modifiable behavior that can improve COPD outcomes. However, to date, interventions targeting physical activity have not addressed the high comorbidity between COPD and depression and/or anxiety symptoms ("emotional distress") despite emotional distress predicting poorer response to physical activity interventions. This CDA-2 proposal will develop and test the acceptability and feasibility of an integrative physical activity and mental health intervention for Veterans with COPD, emotional distress, and low physical activity. The intervention will be delivered via VA Video Connect enabling access to care among Veterans with substantial barriers to hospital-based outpatient care.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2021

open study

Compressed Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation
University of Pennsylvania Treatment Resistant Depression
In this proposal the investigators will use an accelerated TMS protocol that concentrates the magnetic stimulation that would usually occur over 6 weeks into 10 treatment sessions per days, for 5 consecutive days in patient with treatment-refractory depression. This protocol will build on a previously... expand

In this proposal the investigators will use an accelerated TMS protocol that concentrates the magnetic stimulation that would usually occur over 6 weeks into 10 treatment sessions per days, for 5 consecutive days in patient with treatment-refractory depression. This protocol will build on a previously published study demonstrating clinical efficacy of intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) on left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L-dlPFC) in a treatment refractory population.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Feb 2020

open study

Oxytocin to Treat PTSD
VA Office of Research and Development PTSD
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic, debilitating condition that disproportionately affects Veterans. Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy is a "gold standard" treatment for PTSD. However, approximately one-third of Veterans fail to receive an adequate dose of treatment because they prematurely... expand

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic, debilitating condition that disproportionately affects Veterans. Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy is a "gold standard" treatment for PTSD. However, approximately one-third of Veterans fail to receive an adequate dose of treatment because they prematurely drop out of PE therapy. There is also room to improve PE treatment outcomes. Consistent with the VA Office of Research and Development initiative to develop effective treatments for PTSD, the proposed randomized clinical trial will examine the ability of oxytocin (as compared with placebo) combined with PE to reduce PTSD symptom severity, improve the rate of PTSD symptom reduction, and to enhance PE treatment retention and adherence. This two-site study will leverage the investments made in the nationwide rollout off PE therapy and has the potential to significantly improve mental health care among Veterans, advance the science in this area, and identify mechanisms underlying positive PTSD treatment response. Participants may choose to complete this research study via home-based telemedicine (HBT) care (i.e. service delivery to patients in their homes using consumer friendly, video-conferencing technology). HBT sessions will be delivered via standard desk, laptop computer, tablet, or smartphone using VA approved applications. All procedures that take place via telemedicine will be performed and completed as though they were in-person/in-office

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2020

open study

rTMS in Alleviating Pain and Co-Morbid Symptoms in Gulf War Veterans Illness (GWVI)
VA Office of Research and Development Gulf War Illness Depression
This study aims to look at the effectiveness of using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in relieving pain and other co-morbid symptoms of Gulf War Illness. expand

This study aims to look at the effectiveness of using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in relieving pain and other co-morbid symptoms of Gulf War Illness.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Oct 2019

open study

DBS for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Northwell Health Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
There are two primary approaches to the treatment of OCD, pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Lack of therapeutic success with one approach leads to trials of the alternative approach or a combination of the two. A rarely used third therapy approach, appropriate for only the most... expand

There are two primary approaches to the treatment of OCD, pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Lack of therapeutic success with one approach leads to trials of the alternative approach or a combination of the two. A rarely used third therapy approach, appropriate for only the most severely afflicted and treatment resistant patients, is neurosurgical ablation of certain brain regions involved in mood and anxiety. The neurosurgical ablation procedures are irreversible in nature, and involve the destruction of specific volumes of brain tissue through various controlled means. Surgical procedures include cingulotomy, subcaudate tractotomy, limbic leucotomy which is a combination of the first two procedures and capsulotomy. DBS therapy is an alternative to neurosurgical procedures, specifically anterior capsulotomy, for patients with chronic, severe OCD which has proven resistant to primary pharmacological and/or behavior therapy options. Results from 26 severe, treatment-resistant OCD patients treated with DBS at four collaborating centers, three in the US, and one in Europe are summarized in great detail in pages 12-22 of the provided/attached "Reclaim Summary of Safety and Probable Benefit."

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jul 2024

open study

The Role of Hormones in Postpartum Mood Disorders
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Postpartum Depression
Determine whether postpartum depression is triggered by the abrupt withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone. The appearance of mood and behavioral symptoms during pregnancy and the postpartum period has been extensively reported. While there has been much speculation about possible biologically... expand

Determine whether postpartum depression is triggered by the abrupt withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone. The appearance of mood and behavioral symptoms during pregnancy and the postpartum period has been extensively reported. While there has been much speculation about possible biologically based etiologies for postpartum disorders (PPD), none has ever been confirmed. Preliminary results from two related studies (protocols 90-M-0088, 92-M-0174) provide evidence that women with menstrual cycle related mood disorder, but not controls, experience mood disturbances during exogenous replacement of physiologic levels of gonadal steroids. The present protocol is designed to create a "scaled-down" hormonal milieu of pregnancy and the puerperium in order to determine whether women who have had a previous episode of postpartum major effective episode will experience differential mood and behavioral effects compared with controls and to determine whether it is the abrupt withdrawal of gonadal steroids or the prolonged exposure to gonadal steroids that is associated with mood symptoms. Supraphysiologic plasma levels of gonadal steroids will be established, maintained, and then rapidly reduced, simulating the hormonal events that occur during pregnancy and parturition. This will be accomplished by administering estradiol and progesterone to women who are pretreated with a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist (Lupron). After eight weeks, administration of gonadal steroids will be stopped in one group of patients and controls, and a sudden decline in the plasma hormone levels will be precipitated. Another group will be maintained on supraphysiologic levels of estrogen and progesterone for an additional month. Outcome measures will include mood, behavioral and hormonal parameters (a separate protocol done in collaboration with NICHD).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Apr 1996

open study

Gamma Oscillations as a Prognostic Marker for Ketamine Therapy in Treatment Resistant Depression
Baylor College of Medicine Healthy Major Depressive Disorder Treatment Resistant Depression
The core objective of this study is to enhance the translational potential of this electroencephalogram (EEG) biomarker by using ketamine(KET)-induced gamma potentiation as a prognostic marker of 4-week treatment outcome. Previous research focused exclusively on KET-induced gamma band potentiation... expand

The core objective of this study is to enhance the translational potential of this electroencephalogram (EEG) biomarker by using ketamine(KET)-induced gamma potentiation as a prognostic marker of 4-week treatment outcome. Previous research focused exclusively on KET-induced gamma band potentiation (GBP) in the context of a single infusion. Our study design captures the clinical variation associated with real-world treatment resistant depression (TRD) patients and allows us to analyze the relative importance of GBP to antidepressant symptom reduction across the induction phase of treatment. If successful, it provides a compelling rationale for a larger prospective investigation of gamma dynamics as a moderator of outcome to varied TRD therapies which impact the balance of cortical excitation and inhibition.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jan 2024

open study

The Development of PATH, a Program to Support NICU Parent Mental Health Through the Transition From Hospital...
University of Colorado, Denver Perinatal Depression Perinatal Anxiety Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The objective of this study is to develop and pilot test a telehealth-based mental health screening and engagement program that supports parents as they transition from the NICU to home. The program will use a stepped-care approach to screen parents for depression, anxiety, and PTSD; provide a brief... expand

The objective of this study is to develop and pilot test a telehealth-based mental health screening and engagement program that supports parents as they transition from the NICU to home. The program will use a stepped-care approach to screen parents for depression, anxiety, and PTSD; provide a brief behavioral intervention to those who screen as having at least a low risk of these conditions; and provide a warm hand-off to community mental health services for those at medium to high risk.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jun 2024

open study