
Cognitive impairment and brain abnormalities are common and persist after depression remission in those with Late Life Depression (LLD), compounding dementia risk in both individuals with acute and remitted LLD (rLLD). In this study, investigators will examine systemic neural and cognitive benefits of aerobic exercise training in older adults with remitted LLD. This will generate preliminary data regarding neural targets of aerobic exercise training that may translate to cognitive benefits in those with rLLD, a population who remains at high risk for dementia despite successful treatment of depression.



Eligible Ages
Over 60 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

  1. Men and women 60+ years 2. Major Depressive Episode in older adulthood (since age 55) 3. Current level of depressive symptoms does not meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode 4. Ambulatory without pain or the assistance of walking devices 5. Able to speak and read English 6. Exercise level of <100 minutes per week on average 7. Medical clearance by primary care physician (PCP) 8. Living in community for duration of the study 9. Reliable means of transportation 10. No diagnosis of a neurological disease 11. Eligible to undergo MRI

Exclusion Criteria

  1. Current diagnosis of a Major Depressive Episode 2. Psychosis 3. Significant suicide risk (i.e., current, active suicidal ideation with a plan) 4. Electroconvulsive therapy within the past 12 months 5. Engaging in moderate-intensity exercise >100 minutes per week on average 6. Current treatment for cancer - except non-melanoma skin 7. Neurological condition (MS, Parkinson's, Dementia, MCI) or brain injury (Stroke) 8. Substance Use disorder in the past 3-months 9. Current treatment for congestive heart failure, angina, uncontrolled arrhythmia, deep vein thromboses (DVT) or other cardiovascular event 10. Myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting, angioplasty or other cardiac condition in the past year including uncontrolled hypertension 11. Regular use of an assisted walking device 12. Presence of metal implants (pacemaker, stents) that would be MR ineligible 13. Claustrophobia 14. Color Blindness 15. Significant visual or hearing impairments that would preclude neuropsychological assessment or communication with study staff via a virtual format (videoteleconference) 16. Not fluent in English 17. Not medically cleared by PCP 18. Traveling consecutively for 3+ weeks during the study 19. MOCA (<20 to exclude) and MADRS (>9 to exclude)

Study Design

Study Type
Intervention Model
Parallel Assignment
Primary Purpose
Basic Science
Double (Investigator, Outcomes Assessor)

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
Aerobic Exercise
The Aerobic Exercise (AE) condition will involve 150-minutes of moderate-intensity AE per week for 6-months and will involve a graded decline in supervision. Supervised AE will occur in groups, though each participant's AE prescription will be personalized based on baseline exercise capacity, as assessed by a maximal cardiopulmonary fitness test. Supervised AE sessions will involve the treadmill, elliptical, and/or bike, and routines will be varied to promote adherence. Supervised AE sessions will gradually increase to 50-minutes per session; however, participants will be encouraged to engage in home-based AE sessions according to their own preference of length and frequency in order to achieve 150 minutes of AE per week.
  • Other: On-site AE
    Participants will attend on-site supervised AE sessions 3 times per week for the first 6 weeks, twice weekly for weeks 7-12; once weekly for weeks 13-18. All supervised sessions will start and end with 5-minute warm-up and cool-down and will involve exercise on the treadmill, elliptical, and/or bike. During AE sessions, participants will exercise so that their heart rate is approximately 65% of their peak heart rate and gradually increase the intensity of exercise so that their heart rate is between 70 and 85% of their peak heart rate. All participants will wear heart rate monitors and encouraged to exercise in their target heart rate zone. Supervised AE sessions will gradually increase to 50-minutes per session
  • Other: At-home AE
    Participants will increase at-home AE during the 6-month intervention period with weeks 19-26 occurring entirely at-home. As participants transition to home-based exercise, they will be equipped with a polar heart rate monitor and will be instructed to use this to record average heart rate during each exercise session. On a log sheet, they will record both average heart rate during exercise and average subjective rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during each exercise session.
Active Comparator
Social Engagement
The Social Engagement (SE) condition will be designed to control for the social component of the AE intervention (i.e., supervised on-site sessions with professional staff, frequent phone contact from study staff). A variety of enjoyable group-based activities centered around the dimensions of wellness (spiritual wellness, physical wellness, emotional wellness, etc.) will be scheduled throughout the intervention. This condition will involve once weekly meetings (grand total of ~26 sessions). Some participants will meet in-person and others will meet remotely via zoom (this will vary week to week) to increase flexibility to accommodate participant availability to attend as many sessions as possible.
  • Other: Social Engagement (SE)
    To control for the social component of the AE intervention participants in the SE group will be invited to attend at total of 25 group meetings over the course of the 6-month study period.

Recruiting Locations

More Details

University of Pittsburgh

Study Contact

Michelle Zmuda

Detailed Description

Significance: The population of adults aged >65 years in United States is expected to nearly double between 2012 and 2050, with a projected estimate of 83.7 million adults aged >65 years by 2050. The prevalence of depressive symptoms among older adults ranges 15 - 27% in the community and up to 37% in primary care settings. Though subclinical depressive symptoms are more prevalent than Major Depression (MDD) among older adults (MDD: 5.5% prevalence), rates of MDD in older people have been rising over the past two decades. Late-life depression (LLD) results in enormous economic, public health, and caregiver burden. This high economic cost consists of both direct and indirect costs (e.g., increased use of medical resources, need for unpaid family caregiving). Further, LLD exacerbates chronic medical illness burden and confers the greatest risk for mortality across all mental health conditions in aging. LLD also increases disability risk, with one report estimating 79% of LLD having functional limitations. Importantly, those with LLD are at a twofold increased risk for dementia relative to the general aging population, which has catastrophic implications for the long-term economic and public health burden of LLD. Background: Older adults with LLD are particularly predisposed to accelerated rates of cognitive decline and progression to dementia. While nearly half of those with LLD have significant cognitive impairment, cognitive deficits are inadequately addressed using conventional antidepressant treatments. Exercise has emerged as the leading non-pharmacological approach to improve cognition and reduce dementia risk in aging. AE interventions in older adults, over as short as 6-months, have been shown to improve performance in cognitive functions (i.e., executive function) and brain regions and networks (i.e., PFC, HC, DMN) that are most sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of LLD. However, our knowledge of AE-related cognitive and brain changes in aging are primarily drawn from AE trials conducted in populations at low risk for dementia. Though an emerging literature supports the benefits of AE for cognitive and brain health in those with MCI, these studies systemically exclude psychiatric populations. By excluding those with LLD, existing studies are overlooking a subsample of older adults at ultra-high risk for dementia for whom the cognitive and neural benefits of AE training may be particularly consequential. This necessitates a better understanding of the potential of AE training to target systemic brain features and cognition in those who have had LLD. Impact: This study will probe whether AE -related systemic brain changes may be mechanistic targets for improving cognition in those with rLLD. It cannot be assumed that AE effects on brain health will be consistent across populations with varying levels of brain-related abnormalities. This study allows for an initial exploration of the extent to which AE effects on cognitive and brain health in those with rLLD are similar to and distinct from AE effects on cognitive and brain health in older adults who 1) are cognitively normal or 2) do not have a history of LLD, for whom the majority of the AE brain health and cognition literature is based. Study Aims: Aim 1. Examine AE effects on structural and functional neuroimaging markers of brain health in rLLD. H1a. AE relative to SE will result in greater preservation of gray matter integrity in areas shown to be abnormal in LLD (HC and PFC) but not in the occipital cortex or thalamus. H1b. AE relative to SE will result in enhanced functional connectivity within the DMN and cross-network connectivity between the DMN and ECN. H1a. Separate ANCOVA models will be used to examine intervention group differences in change in HC and thalamus volume (mm3) and cortical thickness of PFC regions (i.e., dorsolateral PFC, medial orbitofrontal cortex, and ACC) and the occipital cortex, from baseline to 6-months, all of which will be estimated using semiautomated segmentation methods. H1b. Primary analysis of resting state functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) data will involve ANCOVAs to examine group differences in change in within-network DMN connectivity and cross-network DMN-ECN connectivity using summary network connectivity measures. Linear mixed models testing group x time interaction effect for PCC-whole brain voxel-wise connectivity maps will be used in secondary analyses. Aim 2. Examine AE effects on cognitive functioning in rLLD. H2. AE relative to SE will improve cognitive performance, showing the greatest effect for executive functioning. Primary analyses will use ANCOVA models to examine group differences in change in performance for each cognitive domain from baseline to 6-months. Secondary analyses will involve random slopes and random intercept models for repeated longitudinal data to examine group differences in trajectory of change in performance for each cognitive domain over 6-months across three timepoints (baseline, 3-months, 6-months). Exploratory analyses will also involve a comparison of group differences in trajectory of change in objective cognitive performance relative to subjective reports of cognitive functioning. (Exploratory) Aim 3. Explore the extent to which AE-related structural and functional brain changes are associated with AE-related cognitive changes in those with rLLD. H3. AE-related changes in HC and/or PFC integrity and/or DMN connectivity will be associated with AE-related cognitive changes. H3. Pearson's correlations will be used to examine the association between change in brain outcomes showing an effect of AE training and change in performance for cognitive domains showing an effect of AE training.


Study information shown on this site is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (a public registry operated by the National Institutes of Health). The listing of studies provided is not certain to be all studies for which you might be eligible. Furthermore, study eligibility requirements can be difficult to understand and may change over time, so it is wise to speak with your medical care provider and individual research study teams when making decisions related to participation.