
For this clinical demonstration study, Veterans will be assessed with a battery of questionnaires/surveys and a 1:1 clinical interview with a V-TRACTS psychologist to target domains of head injury, psychological trauma, depression, suicidality, anxiety, chronic pain and sleep, substance use and activity level. V-TRACTS will convene a weekly consensus meeting to evaluate all the data, and develop a recommendation plan. After the consensus meeting, a V-TRACTS psychologist will provide comprehensive feedback encompassing the entire assessment battery. Additionally, if warranted, the investigators will offer an optional cognitive assessment, as well as rehabilitation options that the consensus committee targets the individual Veteran's needs and also via VA telehealth or other approved online service. It will be the Veteran's choice whether he/she wants to participate in any one or more of these options.



Eligible Ages
Between 18 Years and 70 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

  • Participants will be post-9/11 Veterans. Critically, formal diagnosis of TBI or PTSD (or any other cognitive/psychiatric condition) is not required. While inclusion criteria do not require any specific diagnosis, we note that TRACTS and STEP-Home Veterans in our previous studies had high rates of both PTSD and mTBI. - 18-70 years old - English-speaking (sessions will be conducted in English) - Agreeing to participate either remotely or in person (i.e., completion of ICF/HIPAA)

Exclusion Criteria

  • Schizophreniform disorder/active psychosis - Active suicidality - Neurological diagnosis (excluding TBI)

Study Design

Study Type
Observational [Patient Registry]
Observational Model
Time Perspective

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
VTRACTS We will target post-9/11 Veterans with TBI or blast exposure who self-report ongoing post-concussive neurobehavioral symptoms, but V-TRACTS will be open to all post-9/11 Veterans irrespective of any diagnoses.
  • Behavioral: V-TRACTS Assessment/Feedback
    The proposed V-TRACTS assessment strategically targets emotional, cognitive and behavioral functions that we have determined are highly predictive of long-term outcome in Veterans. The assessment targets domains of head injury, psychological trauma, depression, suicidality, anxiety, chronic pain and sleep, substance use and activity level. This assessment will, in most cases, be completed online using the Qualtrics platform and online using telehealth or other approved platform for the clinical interview. Once the assessment is complete, the clinical team will convene a consensus meeting to review the case and determine a course of recommended additional assessment and/or rehabilitation action. After a consensus is reached, a V-TRACTS psychologist/supervised fellow will provide comprehensive feedback encompassing the entire assessment battery and offer rehabilitation options that would be targeted to the individual veteran's needs via VA telehealth or other approved online service.
  • Behavioral: OPTIONAL Brief Assessment of Thinking
    A neuropsychological/cognitive assessment will be conducted to gather information about functioning in the areas of memory, attention, and thinking. This assessment is designed to be done online in a single session, and it will take approximately 45-90 minutes to complete. The test battery is designed to focus on the specific cognitive abilities thought to be impacted by blast, mTBI, PTSD, etc. This battery is not intended to be an exhaustive assessment of all neuropsychological functions.
  • Behavioral: OPTIONAL STEP-Home-Brief
    STEP-Home-Brief is a condensed version of the 12-week experimental program STEP-Home that will target four core skills (problem solving, emotional regulation, attention training, and health and wellness). It will be individualized to Veterans' problems: vocation/career, community reintegration, psychoeducation to destigmatize barriers to mental health, substance misuse, anger management, and family and intimate partner relationships. STEP-Home-Brief will include 1-3 sessions using the same treatment modules as the 12-week program in a condensed, targeted format.
  • Behavioral: OPTIONAL At-home Exercise Program
    This is a 5-week, full-body exercise program that can be done in the convenience of the Veteran's home, using only bodyweight as resistance and with household items as equipment. Given the online delivery of this program, they will receive access to instructional videos and materials that demonstrate how to perform each exercise safely and correctly. Participants will be contacted by study staff weekly over the phone to maintain interest and monitor adherence during the study.
  • Behavioral: OPTIONAL Referral to 12-week STEP-Home
    Referral to the experimental 12-week STEP-Home workshop research study (VABHS IRB #3210).
  • Behavioral: OPTIONAL Clinical Referral
    Clinical referrals to VABHS clinical services based on assessment and patient-directed primary problem/complaint.

Recruiting Locations

More Details

VA Boston Healthcare System

Study Contact

Regina McGlinchey, PhD

Detailed Description

V-TRACTS plans to assess up to 110 post-9/11 Veterans. This clinical demonstration project may be conducted primarily (1) using a VA telehealth or online delivery system to meet the needs of remote Veterans or those who are unable to attend sessions on campus, as well as to maximize access to care during COVID-19 and thereafter or (2) in person at VA, when possible and preferable to the Veteran. The investigators will use a multidimensional but condensed version of the comprehensive TRACTS Core B (VABHS IRB #2354) evaluation. This condensed and efficient assessment will be used to develop a standard quantitative analytic to characterize each Veteran's risk for poor functional outcome and to determine his/her rehabilitation needs. For the intervention, the investigators propose to offer various telehealth assessment and treatment options to each Veteran assessed or to refer on to VA clinical service, as appropriate. There are three research-based treatments and an additional brief cognitive assessment included in this protocol that may be offered at the feedback appointment. First, is a Brief Assessment of Thinking, which is a neuropsychological/cognitive assessment that will be conducted to gather information about functioning in the areas of memory, attention, and thinking, if appropriate. Second, is STEP-Home-Brief, which is an innovative, integrated, transdiagnostic rehabilitation workshop that targets each individual Veteran's area(s) of weakness identified by the assessment, if appropriate. STEP-Home-Brief provides a patient-centered, transdiagnostic treatment approach and can be delivered via telehealth or in-person. STEP-Home-Brief also provides an introduction to a destigmatized "mental health" intervention that has been demonstrated to act as a gateway to further VA treatment engagement. Third, is an At-Home Exercise program, if appropriate, which will provide Veterans with an at-home, 5-week program targeting cardiovascular health and endurance. Fourth, the investigators may offer referrals to the experimental 12-week STEP-Home workshop (VABHS IRB #3210). Fifth, the investigators may offer referrals to clinical programs, as appropriate. These referrals include but are not limited to Polytrauma, Center for Returning Veterans, Whole Health, PTSD, Mental Health, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Neurology. The decision as to which type of treatment would best meet the needs of individual Veterans will be informed by a consensus of the V-TRACTS clinical team. It will be the Veteran's choice whether he/she wants to participate in any one or more of the cognitive assessment or rehabilitation options. These options are available sequentially or concurrently.


Study information shown on this site is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (a public registry operated by the National Institutes of Health). The listing of studies provided is not certain to be all studies for which you might be eligible. Furthermore, study eligibility requirements can be difficult to understand and may change over time, so it is wise to speak with your medical care provider and individual research study teams when making decisions related to participation.