Before medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or before certain therapy methods are widely accepted as effective, they are tested on people who volunteer to participate in a clinical trial.

Organizations across the country are looking for people like you to take part in their research studies. The list of studies below have been selected from based on their inclusion of one or more of the following terms: anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is supportive of research that is conducted through clinical trials. Participating in research can potentially help change the mental health outcomes for you and others who suffer anxiety, depression, and related disorders. You may learn about new interventions/treatments that are being considered.

Read this ADAA blog about things to know and questions to ask before committing to a clinical trial.

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867 matching studies

Sponsor Condition of Interest
Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment to Reduce Anxiety in Alzheimer's
Florida State University Anxiety Mild Cognitive Impairment Alzheimer Disease Dementia
The goal of this clinical trial is to test the effectiveness of a computerized anxiety sensitivity treatment (CAST) compared to a health education control (HEC) in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their care partners. The1 expand

The goal of this clinical trial is to test the effectiveness of a computerized anxiety sensitivity treatment (CAST) compared to a health education control (HEC) in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their care partners. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Efficacy of CAST in reducing anxiety and related symptoms among those with MCI/mild ADRD 2. Efficacy of CAST in reducing care partner burden among care partners of people living with MCI/mild ADRD 3. Explore treatment mechanisms using a multi-modal assessment battery of anxiety sensitivity and anxiety Participants will complete six in-person visits including a baseline assessment, two intervention sessions, and three follow-up assessments at 1, 3, and 6-months posttreatment. Participants will also complete three weeks of ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) for one week prior to intervention, one week between intervention sessions, and one week after intervention. If there is a comparison group: Researchers will compare CAST to HEC to see if CAST reduces anxiety and related symptoms in older adults with MCI/mild ADRD and care partner burden to a greater degree than HEC.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2023

open study

Wellness App for Sleep Disturbance in Hematological Cancer Patients
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Cancer Sleep Disturbance Anxiety Depression Inflammation
In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), the investigators will recruit participants to an 8-week "app-based wellness" intervention, followed by a 12-week follow-up period. The investigators will recruit a total of 276 self-declared Chronic Hematological Cancer (CHC) patients who (representative of1 expand

In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), the investigators will recruit participants to an 8-week "app-based wellness" intervention, followed by a 12-week follow-up period. The investigators will recruit a total of 276 self-declared Chronic Hematological Cancer (CHC) patients who (representative of age, race/ethnicity, and gender) will be on stable CHC pharmacologic therapy (if any), self-identify as sleep disturbed (>5 on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), do not have a sleep disorder diagnosis, do not take sleep medication/supplements >3 times per week, and are not currently practicing regular meditation. Aim 1: Test the efficacy of two app-based wellness programs (10 minutes per day) on the primary outcome of self reported sleep disturbance (Insomnia Severity Index (primary) and PROMIS Sleep Disturbance (secondary)) and secondary sleep outcomes including sleep impairment (PROMIS Sleep Impairment Scale) and sleep efficiency measured via sleep diaries and actigraphy. Aim 2: Test the efficacy of two app-based wellness programs (10 minutes per day) on inflammatory markers (i.e., TNF-a, IL-6, IL-8, CRP), fatigue, and emotional distress (i.e., anxiety, depressive symptoms measured with PROMIS®). Aim 3: Explore the sustained effects (i.e., 20 weeks from baseline) of two app-based wellness programs (10 minutes per day) in CHC patients.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Feb 2023

open study

[18F]PF-06445974 to Image PDE4B in Major Depressive Disorder Using PET
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Depression
Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a psychiatric condition. People with MDD have occasional bouts of depressive symptoms; these bouts are called major depressive episodes (MDEs). Researchers want to know if people having MDEs have lower levels of an enzyme called PDE4B in their brains.1 expand

Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a psychiatric condition. People with MDD have occasional bouts of depressive symptoms; these bouts are called major depressive episodes (MDEs). Researchers want to know if people having MDEs have lower levels of an enzyme called PDE4B in their brains. Primary Objective: To determine whether PDE4B is reduced in the brains of individuals with MDD experiencing a major depressive episode (MDE). Secondary Objectives: To determine the optimal length of scanning and the retest variability and reliability of [18F]PF-06445974, and whether PDE4B binding correlates with clinical rating scales. To measure if PDE4B radioligand binding can be blocked by taking apremilast. Eligibility: People aged 18-70 years with MDD. Healthy volunteers are also needed. Design: Participants will have up to 5 clinic visits. Participants will be screened. They will have a physical exam with blood tests. They will have a test of their heart function. Some participants may have a psychiatric assessment; they will answer questions about their state of mind and related topics. Participants will have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. They will lie on a table that slides into a metal cylinder. Participants will have a positron emission tomography (PET) scan. A needle will be used to guide a thin plastic tube (catheter) into a vein in one arm. An experimental substance called a radioactive tracer ([18F]PF-06445974) will be injected through the catheter. Participants will lie on a table that slides into a doughnut-shaped machine. The scan will last up to 4 hours with a 15-minute break. Participants blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing will be monitored before, during, and after the PET scan. A second catheter will be inserted in the artery of the wrist so blood can be drawn during the scan. Some participants may return for a second PET scan; have a lung scan or receive apremilast.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jun 2023

open study

Exercise for Anxiety
NYU Langone Health Anxiety
90 sedentary adults with a primary anxiety disorder and high anxiety sensitivity will be randomized to either 8 weeks of 1) low intensity exercise, or 2) flexible titration to high intensity exercise (HIE). Blinded, validated clinician-rated and patient-rated outcomes will be assessed over treatmen1 expand

90 sedentary adults with a primary anxiety disorder and high anxiety sensitivity will be randomized to either 8 weeks of 1) low intensity exercise, or 2) flexible titration to high intensity exercise (HIE). Blinded, validated clinician-rated and patient-rated outcomes will be assessed over treatment and at 1- and 3-month follow-up. To better understand what mechanisms influence decisions to exercise in the real-world, we will use of heart rate (HR) as an objective mechanistic target for exercise intensity, examine changes in valuation of exercise through a neuroeconomics task, examine changes in interoceptive sensitivity with a heartbeat detection task, and integrate of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to measure effects of immediate changes in mood with exercise on anxiety outcomes and adherence.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jun 2021

open study

Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of COMP360 in Participants With TRD
COMPASS Pathways Treatment Resistant Depression
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a single administration of COMP360 in participants with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) expand

Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a single administration of COMP360 in participants with treatment-resistant depression (TRD)

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jan 2023

open study

Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder (R61)
NYU Langone Health Social Anxiety Disorder
The R61 will include two CBD dose levels vs placebo (PBO) and examine potential engagement with two primary targets in a 3-week randomized controlled trial design. Willing and eligible subjects will be randomized to one of three randomized double-blind treatments (n = 20 each group): 1) CBD 800 mg1 expand

The R61 will include two CBD dose levels vs placebo (PBO) and examine potential engagement with two primary targets in a 3-week randomized controlled trial design. Willing and eligible subjects will be randomized to one of three randomized double-blind treatments (n = 20 each group): 1) CBD 800 mg (400 mg twice daily), 2) CBD 400 mg (200 mg twice daily), or 3) PBO twice daily for three weeks. Participation is estimated at approximately 1 month from end of screening to endpoint for the primary R61 study period. This includes screening, baseline, week 2 stress task, Week 3 2-day imaging paradigm, and clinical safety assessments at weeks 2 and 3.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jan 2023

open study

Pharmacogenetically-guided Escitalopram Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety: Aiming to Improve Safety a1
University of Cincinnati Anxiety
This double-blind, 12-week study will consist include132 anxious youth who are randomized (1:1) to standard or pharmacogenetically-guided escitalopram dosing. Block randomization (1:1) will be stratified by sex and metabolizer status. expand

This double-blind, 12-week study will consist include132 anxious youth who are randomized (1:1) to standard or pharmacogenetically-guided escitalopram dosing. Block randomization (1:1) will be stratified by sex and metabolizer status.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Mar 2021

open study

Cognitive Enhancement in Depression (The COG-D Study)
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Aging Depression Cognitive Symptom
This study will investigate whether transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhances the effects of computerized cognitive training in older adults with recurrent depression (2 or more lifetime episodes; either current or within past 3 years). expand

This study will investigate whether transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhances the effects of computerized cognitive training in older adults with recurrent depression (2 or more lifetime episodes; either current or within past 3 years).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Feb 2023

open study

Mobile App for Latinx Hazardous Drinkers With Clinical Anxiety
Michael J. Zvolensky, Ph.D. Alcohol Abuse Anxiety
The purpose of this study is to develop and examine a culturally adapted, brief, integrated, Spanish language mobile health application for the Android platform, optimized to deliver a personalized feedback intervention (PFI) designed to enhance knowledge regarding adverse anxiety-alcohol interrela1 expand

The purpose of this study is to develop and examine a culturally adapted, brief, integrated, Spanish language mobile health application for the Android platform, optimized to deliver a personalized feedback intervention (PFI) designed to enhance knowledge regarding adverse anxiety-alcohol interrelations, increase motivation and intention to reduce hazardous drinking, and reduce positive attitudes and intention regarding anxiety-related alcohol use among Latinx hazardous drinkers with clinical anxiety.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2022

open study

MBSR Mechanisms in GAD
NYU Langone Health Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The purpose of this study is to understand the neural mechanisms that drive response to MBSR compared to stress education in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and to examine the degree to which sex differences in MBSR response are explained by sex differences in these mechanisms. A1 expand

The purpose of this study is to understand the neural mechanisms that drive response to MBSR compared to stress education in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and to examine the degree to which sex differences in MBSR response are explained by sex differences in these mechanisms. A total of 150 eligible participants with a primary diagnosis of GAD will be randomized to either an 8-week group MBSR or stress education program. The study will include preliminary screening, experimental visits, including fMRI, group intervention visits, and assessments at baseline, endpoint, and 3-month follow-up.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2021

open study

Comparing Two Behavioral Approaches to Quitting Smoking in Mental Health Settings
Wake Forest University Health Sciences Tobacco Use Disorder Mental Illness Recurring Major Depressive Disorder Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia
The study team will conduct a Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two approaches for quitting smoking among people with serious mental illness (SMI). The study will compare a novel app tailored to people with SMI, Quit on the Go, to a standard of ca1 expand

The study team will conduct a Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two approaches for quitting smoking among people with serious mental illness (SMI). The study will compare a novel app tailored to people with SMI, Quit on the Go, to a standard of care smoking cessation intervention. We will test the effectiveness of the Quit on the Go app, an intervention that has demonstrated feasibility and acceptability in the target population, as a tool for smoking cessation in people with SMI. Participants with SMI will be recruited across 3 sites (Duke University, Univ. at Buffalo, and Wake Forest University).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Sep 2021

open study

A Trial Comparing Interpersonal Therapy to Exposure Therapy for PTSD Due to Military Sexual Trauma1
Weill Medical College of Cornell University PTSD
The purpose of this study is to compare two kinds of therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): exposure therapy (ET) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT). The results of this study will allow us to see if IPT and ET are equally effective in treating PTSD due to Military Sexual Trauma, with1 expand

The purpose of this study is to compare two kinds of therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): exposure therapy (ET) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT). The results of this study will allow us to see if IPT and ET are equally effective in treating PTSD due to Military Sexual Trauma, with the long-term goal of making PTSD treatment effective for as many people as possible.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Mar 2020

open study

Specialized Pro-resolving Lipid Mediators and Treatment Resistant Depression
Massachusetts General Hospital Treatment Resistant Depression Inflammation Overweight
The goal of this clinical trial is to determine the impact of omega-3 fatty acids on the production of anti-inflammatory effects and clinical improvement in people with depression who have not responded well to standard antidepressant treatment. The main questions it seeks to answer are: 1. Do o1 expand

The goal of this clinical trial is to determine the impact of omega-3 fatty acids on the production of anti-inflammatory effects and clinical improvement in people with depression who have not responded well to standard antidepressant treatment. The main questions it seeks to answer are: 1. Do omega-3 fatty acids added to ineffective antidepressant treatment increase production of compounds that reduce inflammation? 2. Is the increase in these anti-inflammatory compounds associated with a stronger antidepressant effect? Participants taking antidepressants that have not worked completely will be assigned at random for a 12-week period to one of the following: 1. an omega-3 preparation 2. an inactive placebo During the course of the study, blood tests will be obtained for compounds associated with inflammation, and questionnaires to measure clinical improvement in depressive symptoms will be administered.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jan 2025

open study

Exercise Plus Duloxetine for Knee Osteoarthritis
University of Maryland, Baltimore Knee Osteoarthritis Depression
This study evaluates the addition of duloxetine to aerobic exercise in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and depressive symptoms in adults. All participants will receive the receive the treatment protocol, which will first be evaluated in terms of feasibility and then pilot tested. expand

This study evaluates the addition of duloxetine to aerobic exercise in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and depressive symptoms in adults. All participants will receive the receive the treatment protocol, which will first be evaluated in terms of feasibility and then pilot tested.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Oct 2021

open study

Trial With the Treatment of Sertraline in Youth With Generalized, Separation and/or Social Anxiety1
University of Cincinnati Anxiety Disorders
A Multicenter, acute, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose trial with the treatment of sertraline. expand

A Multicenter, acute, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose trial with the treatment of sertraline.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2019

open study

Ketamine Alcohol (in Treatment-Resistant Depression)
Mark Niciu Magnetic Resonance Imaging Major Depression Alcoholism
A single subanesthetic dose infusion of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist ketamine has rapid and robust antidepressant effects in patients with treatment-refractory major depressive disorder (TRD). A family history of an alcohol use disorder (Family History Positive, FHP) is one o1 expand

A single subanesthetic dose infusion of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist ketamine has rapid and robust antidepressant effects in patients with treatment-refractory major depressive disorder (TRD). A family history of an alcohol use disorder (Family History Positive, FHP) is one of the strongest identified predictors of an improved antidepressant response to ketamine. Like ketamine, alcohol is a functional NMDA receptor antagonist. FHP is associated with differential response to ketamine, e.g. blunted psychotomimetic side effects. One of the primary mechanistic hypotheses for ketamine's antidepressant action is the acute intrasynaptic release of glutamate from major output neurons, e.g. cortical pyramidal cells. Preliminary clinical studies have demonstrated this acute glutamate "surge" in response to subanesthetic dose ketamine. Based on these findings, the investigators hypothesize that ketamine's enhanced antidepressant efficacy in FHP TRD subjects is, at least in part, attributable to increased glutamate release relative to TRD subjects without a family history of alcohol use disorder (Family History Negative, FHN). To test this hypothesis, the investigators have designed a now two-site, open-label study of 18-55-year-old medically and neurologically healthy, currently moderately-to-severely depressed TRD patients. In total, the investigators plan to recruit 25 FHP and 25 FHN TRD subjects. All subjects must not have a current substance use disorder (except nicotine or caffeine). The experimental portion consists of two phases. The preliminary first phase is a medication taper (if needed) and psychotropic medication-free period. The experimental second phase comprises one subanesthetic dose (0.5mg/kg x 40 minute) ketamine infusion. The ketamine infusion will occur during 7T-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), both resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to detect glutamate in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex/ventral anterior cingulate cortex (vmPFC/vACC). The primary outcome measure is group mean change in Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) score from pre-ketamine infusion (baseline) to one-week post-infusion, where the investigators observed ketamine's greatest antidepressant effect in FHP TRD. Additional outcome measures are vmPFC/vACC glutamate change in response to ketamine based on family history status. In summary, this study will provide key mechanistic information on ketamine's improved antidepressant efficacy in a biologically-enriched subgroup. This will contribute to the systematic development of more efficacious, personalized treatments for major depression in an effort to reduce its enormous public health burden.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Apr 2014

open study

Personalized Feedback Intervention for Latinx Drinkers With Anxiety
University of Houston Alcohol Abuse Anxiety
The purpose of this study is to develop, evaluate the acceptability/feasibility (Phase IA), and test (Phase IB) the effectiveness of a brief, integrated, single-session, computer-based, culturally adapted personalized feedback intervention (PFI) designed to enhance knowledge regarding adverse anxie1 expand

The purpose of this study is to develop, evaluate the acceptability/feasibility (Phase IA), and test (Phase IB) the effectiveness of a brief, integrated, single-session, computer-based, culturally adapted personalized feedback intervention (PFI) designed to enhance knowledge regarding adverse anxiety-alcohol interrelations, increase motivation and intention to reduce hazardous drinking, and reduce positive attitudes and intention regarding anxiety-related alcohol use among Latinx hazardous drinkers with anxiety.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Sep 2022

open study

CO2 Reactivity as a Biomarker of Non-Response to Exposure-Based Therapy
University of Texas at Austin Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder
Anxiety-, obsessive-compulsive and trauma- and stressor-related disorders reflect a significant public health problem. This study is designed to evaluate the predictive power of a novel biomarker based on a CO2 challenge, thus addressing the central question "can this easy-to-administer assay aid c1 expand

Anxiety-, obsessive-compulsive and trauma- and stressor-related disorders reflect a significant public health problem. This study is designed to evaluate the predictive power of a novel biomarker based on a CO2 challenge, thus addressing the central question "can this easy-to-administer assay aid clinicians in deciding whether or not to initiate exposure-based therapy?"

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2022

open study

Smart Phone Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with Psoriasis and Co-Morbid Depressi1
Brigham and Women's Hospital Psoriasis Depressive Symptoms
A single arm, pilot study in which all eligible participants will be enrolled in an 8-week coach-guided smartphone delivered CBT program. The full duration of the program, with follow-up interview, will be 9 weeks. expand

A single arm, pilot study in which all eligible participants will be enrolled in an 8-week coach-guided smartphone delivered CBT program. The full duration of the program, with follow-up interview, will be 9 weeks.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jan 2024

open study

A Precision Medicine Approach to Target Engagement for Emotion Regulation
Matthew Southward Emotional Regulation Depression Anxiety Borderline Personality Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The proposed study is designed to first test whether teaching people personalized or standardized emotion regulation skills leads to greater decreases in daily negative emotion intensity. Second, using data from an initial sample, the investigators will prospectively assign an independent sample of1 expand

The proposed study is designed to first test whether teaching people personalized or standardized emotion regulation skills leads to greater decreases in daily negative emotion intensity. Second, using data from an initial sample, the investigators will prospectively assign an independent sample of participants to receive their predicted optimal or non-optimal skills to determine if it is feasible and efficacious to match participants to the most appropriate training condition. Results of these studies may identify the mechanisms by which emotion regulation interventions impact emotional functioning and allow for the development of personalized, evidence-based, and scalable emotion regulation interventions.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Sep 2023

open study

Addressing Anxiety in 2-3-Year-Olds: A Pilot Intervention Study
Massachusetts General Hospital Anxiety Disorder of Childhood Fear Shyness
The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility and efficacy of intervening with 2-year-old children with elevated temperamental Fear and/or Shyness or 3-year-old children with elevated anxiety and their parents, using a parent-child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) protocol to reduce anxiet1 expand

The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility and efficacy of intervening with 2-year-old children with elevated temperamental Fear and/or Shyness or 3-year-old children with elevated anxiety and their parents, using a parent-child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) protocol to reduce anxiety disorders and maintain reduced anxiety at one-year follow-up. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, study visits and treatment sessions were conducted in office. Now all visits and treatment sessions are conducted remotely.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Sep 2019

open study

A Future Thinking Intervention for Comorbid Tobacco Use Disorder and Bipolar Disorder
Massachusetts General Hospital Bipolar Disorder Tobacco Use Disorder
Future Self-BD is a 6-session virtual intervention that encourages participants to vividly generate personal and positive future events that they anticipate may be benefited by smoking cessation. Each session will be conducted on HIPAA-compliant Zoom and led by the PI (Dr. Gold). expand

Future Self-BD is a 6-session virtual intervention that encourages participants to vividly generate personal and positive future events that they anticipate may be benefited by smoking cessation. Each session will be conducted on HIPAA-compliant Zoom and led by the PI (Dr. Gold).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Nov 2024

open study

Neurostimulation Versus Therapy for Problems With Emotions
Duke University Emotion Regulation Mood Disorders Stress Disorder Anxiety Disorders OCD
The primary goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the unique neural and behavioral effects of a one-session training combining emotion regulation skills training, with excitatory repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). The secondary1 expand

The primary goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the unique neural and behavioral effects of a one-session training combining emotion regulation skills training, with excitatory repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). The secondary aim is to identify key changes in the emotion regulation neural network following the combined intervention versus each of the components alone. The third aim is to explore personalized biomarkers for response to emotion regulation training. Participants will undergo brain imaging while engaging in an emotional regulation task. Participants will be randomly assigned to learn one of two emotion regulation skills. Participants will be reminded of recent stressors and will undergo different types of neurostimulation, targeted using fMRI (functional MRI) results. Participants who may practice their emotion regulation skills during neurostimulation in a one-time session. Following this training, participants will undergo another fMRI and an exit interview to assess for immediate neural and behavioral changes. Measures of emotion regulation will be assessed at a one week and a one month follow up visit.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: May 2023

open study

Initial Assessment of the Feasibility and Efficacy of a Scalable Digital CBT for Generalized Anxiet1
Boston University Charles River Campus Anxiety Disorders Cardiovascular Diseases Anxiety Health Behavior
The treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in an accessible manner represents an unmet need for those with cardiovascular disease (CVD), given that patients with CVD experience numerous barriers for in-person treatment engagement. The research plan for the proposed pilot project will entai1 expand

The treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in an accessible manner represents an unmet need for those with cardiovascular disease (CVD), given that patients with CVD experience numerous barriers for in-person treatment engagement. The research plan for the proposed pilot project will entail: (1) open study of the acceptability of the digital intervention (N=5), followed by (2) recruitment and randomization of 90 individuals with a history of acute CVD events and clinical levels of GAD symptoms to dCBT or a waitlist (Control) condition, using a 1.5:1 allocation (dCBT:Control).

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Feb 2022

open study

8 Week Multi-site Study of MYDAYIS® for Bipolar Depression
Mayo Clinic Bipolar Depression
This protocol is a Phase 2 multi-site study which aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of MYDAYIS® as adjunctive therapy for adults with bipolar depression. Results from this study WILL NOT be used to contribute to an approval of MYDAYIS ® for this indication. expand

This protocol is a Phase 2 multi-site study which aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of MYDAYIS® as adjunctive therapy for adults with bipolar depression. Results from this study WILL NOT be used to contribute to an approval of MYDAYIS ® for this indication.

Type: Interventional

Start Date: Jul 2020

open study